My contribution to the business press is a further indication of the depth and breadth of my work as well as my versatility and professionalism.
I have specialist knowledge in two particular fields:
The importance of language and culture when trading abroad
I have written generic pieces defining the issues and profiled companies whose success in breaking down barriers has earned them national awards. The Sunday Times, Director, Training, Business Woman, the Herald and in-flight magazines. I also contributed two items to an Institute of Directors' guide, Understanding Global Business.

Human resources and training
Numerous features for Personnel Today and Training magazine (now Training and Coaching Today) have covered everything from managing millionaires to benchmarking best practice and addressing the challenge of corporate change. My case study of a company moving from the public to the private sector appears in an academic textbook, Organizational Change and Development, compiled by Bob Hamlin, Jane Keep and Ken Ash (FT Prentice Hall).